First year at Harrow summary
It has been written by winston Churchill,a British prime minister from 1940 to 1945 and 1951 to 1955.First year at Harrow
He describes in a humorous way the thought time through which he passed in school especially during examinations.
His favourite subject were history,poetry and essay writing while he examined in latin and Mathematics which he did not like at all.
Moreover,the teachers did not ask him those questions,the answer which he knew.Instead of that they asked him those questions about which he did not know anything.
He says that in the entrance examination at Harrow,he was unable to answer a single question in Latin paper.
First of all,he simply wrote his name and the question number on the answer book.
After some time he wrote something on the paper and returned it to the examiners.
Howerever,the Headmaster Mr.weldon passed him in the paper on the basis of his general ability.Although he was given admission,he was placed in the third or lowest division.
For a year ,he was kept at school inthe lowest form,which proved of immense advantage to him.Unlike the clever and intelligent students he was taught English rather than Latin and Greek.
His teacher somerwell taught him how to split English sentences into their component parts; such as verb,subject, adjective, adverb,noun etc.In this way he learnt English thoroughly.
The writer says that in the later years,his intelligent school fellows were compelled to learn English for their living. As he had learnt English thoroughly, he did not feel himself at any disadvantage as compared those who had learnt Latin and Greek.
At the end of the essay he says that he would like all the children who like to learn English. He wants to punish those children who do not learn English well.