His first flight summary-young seagull

His first flight  summary-young seagull

His first flight has been written by Liam O' Flaherty
His first flight  summary-young seagull

His first flight  summary 

"In this short story the writer tells us about the first flight of a young seagull.
Once,the seagull was standing alone on a rock by the sea.
His brothers and sister had already flown but he didn't have the courage to fly with them. His parents tried to persuade him to fly but he couldn't leave the rock because of fear.
All day long the parents of the seagull flew about catching small fish and rebuking him for his cowardice.
Twenty four hours passed  but they did not come near him.                                               

He saw his parents,brothers and sister diving for food.He saw very hungry but he couldn't trust his small wings to support him.He walked to the edge of the rock.He closed his eyes one after another to show his parents that he was sleeping.

But his parents didn't pay any attention to him.In order to compel the young seagull to fly over to them,the mother took a piece of fish and tore it with her beak.

This sight increased the appetite of the young seagull.He began to cackle to turn her attention towards him.

Listening to his cries,the mother took the piece of fish in her beak and flew towards him.

When she reached near him,she suddenly halted in the air.
His first flight  summary-young seagull

He dived at the piece of fish in his mother's beak but she swooped upwards.
He lost his balance and fell downwards into the space.

He felt afraid because he could see a vast green sea below.In order to save his life,he began to flap his wings.

As soon as he flapped his wings,he began to fly.Thus the young seagull made his first flight.