I Dream A world Reference to The Context And Explanation of The poem explained

 "I Dream A world "  Reference to The Context  And Explanation of The poem

  Stanza No : 1

      I dream a world where man 

        No other man will scor Where Love will be bless the earth eace its path adorn


   Reference To The Context:  


         These Lines Have been taken from the poem " I dream a world " 

         Written by Langston Hughes. In this poem the poet presents the     picture of an ideal world. 

      Where people will live in perfect peace and harmony.

      People will not be greedy. There will be no class distinction. All the 

     Natural Resources will be equally distributed among all 

     The human beings. All the people will lead a prosperous and happy life.


 Explanation :

   In these the poet see an ideal world in his dream where there is no racism. There is no body feel hatred and envy for others. There 

  will be rule of love and affection on earth. Where the world people 

  will live in perfect peace and harmony .

           Stanza No : 2         

I dream a world where all 

Will know sweet freedom's way,

Where greed no longer scaps the soul

Nor avaric blights our day.


         Reference To The Context :         

These Lines Have been taken from the poem " I dream a world " 

         Written by Langston Hughes. In this poem the poet presents the     picture of an ideal world. 

      Where people will live in perfect peace and harmony.

      People will not be greedy. There will be no class distinction. All the 

     Natural Resources will be equally distributed among all 

     The human beings. All the people will lead a prosperous and happy life.

      Explanation :     

In these lines the poet dreams an ideal world where all races of the world people will enjoy the fruits of full freedom. Where greed and covertousness will not destroy people's peace of mind. Where desire for wealth and cupidity will not spoil the golden days of our young generation.

Stanza No : 3

A world I dream where black or white ,

Whatever race you be,

Will share the bounties of the earth

And every man is free.

Reference To The Context :         

These Lines Have been taken from the poem " I dream a world " 

         Written by Langston Hughes. In this poem the poet presents the     picture of an ideal world. 

      Where people will live in perfect peace and harmony.

      People will not be greedy. There will be no class distinction. All the 

     Natural Resources will be equally distributed among all 

     The human beings. All the people will lead a prosperous and happy life.


In these lines the poet presents before us the dream of a Utopia, an ideal world whicvh is free of discrimination on the basis of colour and race. There will be no difference between black and white or rich and poor. In that world all the natural resources will be equally distributed among the people without any distinction. Where all the people will be free from the shackles of slavery. 

Stanza No : 4

Where wretchedness will hang its head,
And joy ,like a pearl , 
Attend the needs of all mankind .
Of such I dream Our world !

Reference To The Context :         

These Lines Have been taken from the poem " I dream a world " 

         Written by Langston Hughes. In this poem the poet presents the     picture of an ideal world. 

      Where people will live in perfect peace and harmony.

      People will not be greedy. There will be no class distinction. All the 

     Natural Resources will be equally distributed among all 

     The human beings. All the people will lead a prosperous and happy life.

Explanation :

In these lines the poet tells us that he sees an ideal world in his dream in which there will be no poverty. All the people will not be miser but they will be generous in that world. Where all human needs and requirements of the mankind will be fulfilled without any discrimination .The poet is optimistic about such a world.