Abou Ben Adhem Poem Summary​ by James​ Henry Leigh Hunt

Abou Ben Adhem Poem Summary​ by James​ Henry Leigh Hunt

Abou ben adhem poem summary

 Abou Ben Adhem : 

Abou Ben Adhem saw an angel in the room​ when he awoke from deep sleep . 

There was moonlight and peace in his room . The Angel was writing​ something in a book of gold. 
Abou Ben Adhem asked the​ angel that what he​ was writing​ . 

The angel​ said that he was writing the names of those people who love God .

 Abou Ben Adhem asked the ange whether his name was in the list of who loved the Lord . The angel replied that his name was not included in the list . 

Then Abou Ben Adhem requested the angel to write his name in the list of those who loved his fellow men . The next night , angel came with a great wakening light . He showed the Abou the name of those whom love of God had blessed . Abou Ben Adhem's name was on top of the list.

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